Predict, prevent, prosper
The first predictive intelligence
for mental wellness in the workplace
A new era in workplace well-being
Bewellcome is a forward-thinking solution designed
to predict PSR in your organization.
We identify mental health challenges and we alert
BEFORE they become problems.
Why Bewellcome ?
Prediction, Prevention, Action

Bewellcome prioritizes individual confidentiality, ensuring employees can freely express their well-being concerns in a safe space. Meanwhile, organizations gain valuable insights into the mental health of their teams, with all collective information fully anonymized.

Through real-time monitoring, we proactively prevent stress and burnout before they escalate. Our innovative platform enables organizations to identify potential issues early and take actionable steps to enhance overall employee well-being. The result? Reduced absenteeism and improved performance, delivering a positive return on investment.

The extent of employee malaise is often the risk least anticipated by companies. Deeply rooted, mental health affects employees at all levels. When not identified in time, psychosocial risks (PSR) - stress, anxiety, burn-out, harassment - have a high cost for the company, not only in financial terms, but also in terms of team cohesion, productivity and corporate brand reputation.
Because of these dysfunctions,
PSR are costly for the company.
American employees struggling with an issue affecting their mental health
Cost per employee with mental distress a year.
Employees dare to talk about their psychological difficulties to their superiors or HR.
Average time between the onset of depression and when a person receives treatment.
Your intelligent well-being partner.

Here's a unique space dedicated to lighten your mental load, for your well-being. Video conferences with our experts, journaling and immersive sound environments, and our intelligent chatbot assistant, Bewellcome is designed to promote serenity and personal development.

Bewellcome is an invitation to explore well-being in a way that suits you.

Our solution
Confidential exchanges

We offer personalized employee wellness support, enhanced by AI and human expertise in an engaging environment. With our Smart Chat, every employee can express themselves confidentially ( stress, anxiety, burn-out, harassment ) , and manage their mental health more autonomously on a daily basis.

Proactive risk identification and alerts

Our real-time information gives HR and management a key understanding of the dynamic mental health of their teams. Bewellcome reveals hidden trends, enabling precise action to be taken to improve employee well-being. Before situations get complicated.

ASAP© - Automatic Action Plans

Our unique ASAP© system - Smart Analysis of Planned Actions - automatically generates appropriate action plans. Our experts work with your teams to implement them, guaranteeing a pragmatic approach that aligns with your legal requirements and responds specifically to your company's culture and wellbeing needs.

No application to download, just one click on our website.

Secure one-click connection to our intelligent chat assistant for 100% confidential dialogue. Engaging environment without bias, judgment or taboos.


We identify the alert levels and specific needs of your teams, for a precise understanding of the well-being climate. Detection of psychosocial risks before they escalate.

actions and alerts

Our AI ASAP©  automatically generates recommendations for appropriate action plans. Our experts implement them for a pragmatic approach, aligned with your legal requirements and your company's well-being needs.

Request a demo
Confidential by design.
Everything that happens at Bewellcome is secure and private.
  • GDPR compliant solution
  • All data is encrypted
  • ISO 27001-compliant HDS servers
  • Sovereign Cloud data hosted in France
Dedicated to employee well-being

Our Smart Chat Artificial Intelligence environment, continuously supported by human expertise, is designed to enhance employee well-being through active engagement, transparent communication and comprehensive support. Our solution goes beyond simple prediction and prevention; it listens, understands and proactively responds to your company's specific needs.

We've experienced moments of intense fatigue and the pangs of burn-out. Our goal is to implement a solution that makes a real difference.

At Bewellcome, we're convinced that prevention is the best strategy for preserving your company's mental health and well-being. Stress, anxiety, burn-out, harassment : our mission is to revolutionize workplace well-being by providing an innovative solution that enables organizations to anticipate and prevent psychosocial risks. We're here to help you thrive by harnessing the power of proactive wellbeing intelligence, ensuring that your teams remain resilient, engaged and productive.

Khadidiatou Kebe
Booste la productivité.

"Depuis que nous utilisons Bewellcome, nos employés sont plus actifs, engagés et moins stressés.”

Andrea Abbou
Un outil clé pour notre entreprise.

"J'apprécie la simplicité de ce service. Une solution utile pour améliorer la condition des salariés."

Olivier Dolat
Favorise la collaboration ouverte.

"La proactivité de Bewellcome et le soutien dédié ont un impact positif en interne."

Jamel Ghechoua
Un outil clé pour notre entreprise.

"Cet outil hyper accessible a amélioré la communication et la gestion du stress au sein de notre entreprise."

Andrea Abbou
Un outil clé pour notre entreprise.

"Bewellcome encourage une culture de collaboration et d'ouverture au sein de notre équipe."

Olivier Dolat
Favorise la collaboration ouverte.

"La proactivité de Bewellcome et le soutien dédié ont un impact positif en interne."

Quality of life at work ( QWL ) and  Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR )
are linked by a common foundation: respect for people.
With BEWELLCOME, improve the well-being of your teams
for better business results.

Offer your teams an unrivalled value proposition thanks to Bewellcome's safe and confidential space, with instant psychological support for their well-being.


By offering constant support and follow-up, Bewellcome strengthens employee engagement, improving satisfaction and productivity.


By focusing on well-being and mental health, Bewellcome gives you the edge in building an employer brand. Be attractive to current and future talent.

How do I get started?

Simply click on the "Login" button on our website to create your personal account and start your private chats.

Are my conversations really private?

Absolutely. We take privacy very seriously. All your discussions with our experts and our intelligent assistant are strictly confidential and anonymous. Your company doesn't know who logs in, and has no access to the discussions.

Can I remain anonymous using Bewellcome?

Yes, that's one of Bewellcome's basic principles. Anonymity and confidentiality are two of the absolute pillars of our solution. We're committed to keeping it that way. You can use a pseudonym and an avatar. If you wish, you can turn off your camera during video meetings with our therapists.

How does Bewellcome ensure the security of my data?

Your data is encrypted and stored securely on servers that comply with HDS standards (Health Data Hosting, an official certification governed by law). We use state-of-the-art technologies to guarantee information security, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

What happens to my information after a conversation?

Information is kept securely in your chat thread and used only to enhance your experience with Bewellcome. All data is deleted after 30 days.

What types of mental health problems can Bewellcome help solve?

Our solution is designed to offer support on a variety of mental well being topics, such as stress, anxiety, relationships with others, or even burnout. It adapts to your needs and, if required, refers you to an expert. There's a button in the chat feed to book a video appointment.

Can I connect from my smartphone?

Absolutely! Bewellcome is available from any phone, tablet or computer. No application is required - your favorite web browser is all you need.

How do I contact an expert or psychologist?

To get help from one of our experts, you can book a video appointment directly from your account, via the discussion feed.

Reignite employee engagement
Managed by CARE to engage teams
Business development more inclusive of disabilities
Quality Hygiene Safety Environment
Don't wait for the warning signs, act now.